2 No. Apartments at Mainstreet Falcarragh
Print pageDevelopment location:
Strand Road, , Falcarragh, Donegal, F92 R802
Material Change of Use of an existing Multiple Occupancy Building. Proposed works pertain to the vacant retail space located above the bank, with its own entrance, to be converted into 2 no. 2 bedroom apartments, along with necessary alterations to the entrance lobby to comply with the Building Regulations under the new use. The existing building was constructed in 1976, prior to the introduction of the Building Control Act (1990), and Part B (Fire Safety) of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations (1997), thus it does not possess a previous fire certificate.
Notice type:
7 Day Notice
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Monday, 27 May, 2024
Submission date:
Monday, 20 May, 2024
Owner name:
Charles Roarty
Owner company:
roarty development ltd
Owner address:
duntally, creeslough, Donegal, f92t253
Builder name:
Charles Roarty
Builder address
duntally, creeslough, Donegal, f92t253
Designer name:
Michael Friel
Designer address
Creeslough, Creeslough, Donegal, F92TF60
Assigned Certifier Name:
Michael Friel
Assigned Certifier address
Creeslough, Creeslough, Donegal, F92TF60